Monday, February 27, 2006
(thanks, livemusicblog for the heads up! LINK)
This nifty little website is a really simple idea that has such great possibility. I know that I use the services of Jambase; I have since its inception. If I'm going anywhere in the country (hell, anywhere in North America) I make sure to check the site to see if there are any good shows going on.
Now what if there was a web site that was similar to Jambase. Except that instead of just providing a calendar with the bands coming to town, the site actually provided a podcast full of songs by the bands that were playing!
How sweet is that?
Now I said that the site had possibility, and it definitely has a ways to go. First of all, there are a limited number of bands in the database, so only those bands show up if you search for a city. For instance, I searched for Fort Lauderdale, FL and Sunrise, FL just to see if any of the bands playing at Langerado next week (hell yeah, next week!) would pop up.
Unfortunately, none did. It seems that the way the site works is that record labels and promoters need to give the site administrators their info before they will link to the songs.
So if you are a promoter (hint, hint) or a band or a record label head honcho, head on over to the site, feed in your info, and get your groups some free promotion. That'll make Podbop that much better.
Everyone else just check it out because it is a good idea.
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