Secret(s) of the Week
As always, courtesy of the fine folks at
My lady picked up the PostSecret book from my bookshelf this weekend, and her reaction was very interesting to watch. Sometimes she would laugh, sometimes she would show me the postcard or describe it, her words accompanied by a tone of approval or disgust.
I have a hard time passing judgment on the people who bare their souls to send in a submission to PostSecret. I can't even imagine having a secret so poisonous within my self that I would feel the need to send it in. I guess the act of sending in a secret is therapeutic, a step towards becoming well or accepting your condition.
So I want to thank all of the people brave enough to bare all for this project. May you find whatever you are looking for.

i wasn't passing judgement in a bad way. i just felt bad for all of those sad people and what they have gone through...
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