R.I.P. Syd Barrett (1956-2006)

Syd Barrett
Well, it took something like this to break me out of my blogging funk.
Syd Barrett, one of the original psychedelic cowboys (especially on the European side of the pond) and the lyrical force behind early
Pink Floyd's madness, died over the weekend as a result of diabetes.
Barrett, as it is mentioned in the obit, is considered by many to be one of the first casualties of the psychedelic movement, evoking, at least in my mind, the Grateful Dead lyric from "Shakedown Street":
Maybe he had too much, too fast...
Syd never had the fame of the rest of the band; in fact it wasn't until he left and David Gilmour joined up that their international appeal (in the form of selling a gizillion copies of their albums, especially Dark Side of the Moon) was cemented. Rumor has it that Syd was immortalized by his old band in the album Wish You Were Here, and I have read that the rest of the band took care of his financial needs since they could afford to do so. Syd actually shied away from the spotlight; his seclusion in his mother's basement was part of his madness.
Maybe, just maybe, Roger and David can see Syd's passing as a momentous occasion and turn their hatred into something productive, like maybe a tour?
Also, the long-awaited DVD edition of Pink Floyd's Pulse is being released today. It has been ten years in the waiting and should be pretty sweet.
And after work I'll upload some old school Floyd for your eardrums.
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