Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tuesday News Briefs - April 4, 2006

Welcome to what I hope will be a new regular feature on Scooter's Spot, Tuesday News Briefs!

I've found that I was going about this blog thing a little haphazardly, so I decidely to organize and regulate a little bit. As of now I'm going to try to put up links to a couple interesting news stories every Tuesday.

Here goes:

AOL News - Thief Gets Away With Grateful Dead Leader's Toilet

File under: One man gathers what another man spills...

This is just the height or just-to-muchery...and when will people learn that Jerry was never the leader of the Grateful Dead--the Grateful Dead had no leader, that is what made them who they are.

The best line in the story:

It's unclear if the toilet was swiped by a wayward Deadhead or a thief remodeling a bathroom. Police have no suspects or leads.

* * *

Beacon Journal 04/01/2006 Girls attempt real-life version of video game

File under: Parents just don't understand.

The best line in the story:

The Portage County Hazardous Materials Unit and Bomb Detection Unit were called in to downtown Ravenna on Friday morning after seventeen suspicious packages -- boxes wrapped in gold wrapping paper with question marks spray painted on them -- had alarmed residents.

Here is a picture of the offending boxes.

Super Mario Bros.-style question blocks placed around the town of Ravenna, OH as an April Fools' Day Prank. The persons responsible have since been arrested for their actions.

Interesting enough, there is something of a movement to place these boxes in public places around the world. A How-To Guide for the curious.

* * *

Guardian Unlimited Special reports The strange case of the man who took 40,000 ecstasy pills in nine years

File under: Doesn't know when to say when!

The best part of the story:

Though the man, who is now 37, stopped taking the drug seven years ago, he still suffers from severe physical and mental health side-effects, including extreme memory problems, paranoia, hallucinations and depression. He also suffers from painful muscle rigidity around his neck and jaw which often prevents him from opening his mouth.
If you've ever watched the face of someone under the influence of Ecstacy--or more specifically, the jaw--you'll have realized that the incessant grinding is a result of the drug. No wonder this dude is having problems...


At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

those are some crazy stories... great stuff. keep 'em coming! let's make a super mario box this weekend. :-D


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